Using recycled timber

Using recycled timber

Covid-19, Day 12 , Monday, 6 April 2020

Progress update

Dave has plenty of beer and he is making great progress on his project. He’s using up any bit of timber he can find. It’s not as though you can go down to the shop to buy more at the moment. It just takes longer to de-nail used timber, but when you have the time, it’s a great way to go. It’s called being resourceful; using what you have in hand, being creative. It’s something we really try to do incorporate into our landscaping, not normally to that extent though! We especially like to use natural materials and Dave has a few resources there he can use. Watch this space!

caravan update

We have decided to keep the caravan in it’s retro state, as recommended by our online survey. When you see someone’s face light up as they walk inside it, excitedly saying, ‘oh this reminds me of my grandmother’s caravan!’, it makes you think, ‘now that’s pretty cool!’ The deck is going to be larger than previously thought as we discovered the large canvas awning was quite an appropriate bit of kit, that could look quite good and save us having to buy any more material.

Tax Time

With the 7th April, tax day, I thought I had better get our house in order, following up on phone calls from the previous week to the IRD to ascertain what the latest is. I am sure there will be many business operators, like us, who are very happy that they are going to add no penalties and no interest fees for tax payments that may be late. YES!

Monday Wrap Up

Covid-19 today, old Boris is in hospital and we have 67 cases, plus the Queen’s message. What a star she is, amazing! At least we had fewer cases today. We have begun to listen to the radio now; Mike Hoskings in the morning – we NEVER did that before, we actually have been turning on the TV for the news – normally we NEVER watch TV. I don’t think that will be part of our new normal, not such a good habit. There’s better things to do in Pare-dise!