Meditation tips from Jocelyn

Jocelyn Oades at Warblers Retreat

Covid-19, Day 15 , Thursday, 9 April 2020

Breeze Retreat before Lockdown

Recently, in fact the weekend before lock down, we had a fantastic weekend at Warblers Retreat. The Breeze Radio Station ran a “Breeze Retreat” here. It was amazing! The lucky winners were given a relaxing weekend away where they did a range of activities. One of the activities was mediation run by Jocelyn Oades. Check out her tips in this video which was filmed here, on site in Pare-dise!


Speaking of family, my 81 year old Mother was meant to be up here for Easter. She was meant to fly up from Otaki Beach but was obviously unable to. But she is like many of the older generation I know; it’s business as usual, their home is their haven and they are happy staying there. Most of her time is spent in the garden, the freezer is stocked full of food, because that’s the way it always is!

Dave has relaxed a bit more and is taking a slightly more relaxed approach to work. He is actually calling his daughters to see how they are faring through these strange ‘unprecedented’ times. It’s great to see him chatting on the phone to his girls...roll on Easter...

Covid Wrap

Halfway there! 14 days. 50 cases, yahoo, we actually are squashing the curve, not flattening it as the Washington Times reported about a day ago! As we head into Easter, Jacinda announced strict 14 day quarantine for anyone entering NZ. Totally makes sense.

View the tips on medidtation.